Tatiana Dessy


Tatiana is a PhD student in Epidemiology and joined our research group in September 2020. She obtained her Master's degree in Statistics from the Department of Mathematics and Statistics at the University of Montreal under the supervision of Dr. Marie-Pierre Sylvestre and Dr. Christian Léger. Tatiana also completed a Bachelor's degree in Mathematics with a minor in Economics from McGill University. She has developed an expertise in genetic and gender differential epidemiology focusing on causal inference methods such as Mendelian randomization. Her thesis will focus on the discovery of biological mechanisms underlying sex and gender differences in cardiovascular health conditions and cognitive decline. She is supervised by Dr. Marie-Pierre Dubé and Dr. Marie-Pierre Sylvestre.

Selected publications

  • Mendelian Randomization: A Review of Methods for the Prevention, Assessment, and Discussion of Pleiotropy in Studies Using the Fat Mass and Obesity-Associated Gene as an Instrument for Adiposity. Mbutiwi, F. I. N., Dessy, T. and Sylvestre, M. P. Front Genet 2022: 803238. [BibTeX]