Greater London Temperatures


Louis-Philippe Lemieux Perreault


October 9, 2024

1 Summary

Below is a summary of the air temperature values from the HadUK-Grid (v1.3.0.ceda) (Met Office et al. 2024) dataset.

Table 1 describes the variables used to generate the summaries. Section 2 shows the minimum of the tasmin and the maximum of the tasmax values across the Greater London area. Section 3 shows the median of both the tasmin and tasmax values across the Greater London area.

Figure 1 shows the boundaries used for the Greater London area as provided by the Ordnance Survey (2024).

Table 1: Variables used from the HadUK-Grid dataset. (Met Office 2024)
Variable Definition Start year
tasmax Maximum air temperature measured between 0900 UTC on day D and 0900 UTC on day D+1 (°C) 1960
tasmin Minimum air temperature measured between 0900 UTC on day D-1 and 0900 UTC on day D (°C) 1960
Figure 1: The Greater London area used to extract the temperatures. The boundary lines were provided by the Ordnance Survey (2024).

2 Extreme values

The following plots show the results for the minimum of the minimum values (tasmin), and the maximum of the maximum values (tasmax) in the Greater London area.

2.1 Temperatures across different years

2.2 Number of days below a threshold (per year)

2.3 Number of days below a threshold

2.4 Temperature data

date min_tasmin max_tasmax
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3 Median values

The following plots show the results for the median of the minimum values (tasmin), and the median of the maximum values (tasmax) in the Greater London area.

3.1 Temperatures across different years

3.2 Number of days below a threshold (per year)

3.3 Number of days below a threshold

3.4 Temperature data

date median_tasmin median_tasmax
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Met Office. 2024. HadUK-Grid Datasets.” 2024.
Met Office, D. Hollis, E. Carlisle, M. Kendon, S. Packman, and A. Doherty. 2024. HadUK-Grid Gridded Climate Observations on a 1km grid over the UK, v1.3.0.ceda (1836-2023).” 2024.
Ordnance Survey. 2024. GB Counties - Past and Present.” 2024.