plot_size_doc_scatter: Tool to plot the depth of coverage information as a function of CNV size

Plots the depth of coverage as a function of the size for both gains and

This can be useful in depth of coverage algorithms to insure that calls are concordant with the depth of coverage ratio and to identify systematic biais in gains and losses with respect to CNV size.

Example of a doc size scatter.

Figure 1. Example illustrating typical case of depth of coverage based calls where DOC < 1 implies a deletion and DOC > 1 implies a gain. Here, we can see a slight biais towards larger CNVs for gains. Legend: Red is for gains and blue for deletions.

plot_size_doc_scatter.plot_in_same_plot(gain, loss, save)[source]

Plots the gains and losses in a same subplot using colors to distinguish them. This can be triggered using the –plotsame option.

plot_size_doc_scatter.plot_in_subplots(gain, loss, save)[source]

Plots the gains and losses in separate subplots.

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samples_db creates and queries a database containing of familial statuses and mean coverage.

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