Lab's current projects

Study of sex-specific biological factors underlying cognitive function and cardiovascular outcomes.
2022-2028, funded by CIHR, PI : Marie-Pierre Dubé, co-PI: Sarah Gagliano Taliun
Precision medicine study of treatment options in type 2 diabetes patients without cardiovascular disease.
2022-2028, funded by CIHR (project grant), PI: Marie-Pierre Dubé, co-PIs: Jean-Claude Tardif, André Carpentier
Precision medicine study of type 2 diabetes in the COLCOT-T2D trial.
2022-2028, funded by IRSC (Team grant), PI: Marie-Pierre Dubé, co-PIs: Jean-Claude Tardif, André Carpentier, Garry Lewis
Study of genetic susceptibility to the effect of alcohol on cardiovascular and
cognitive outcomes.
2022-2023, funded by the Foundation of the Montreal Heart Institute, PI: Marie-Pierre Dubé
Precision medicine in diabetes: Pharmacogenetic studies of large randomised controlled trials of diabetes therapies.
2020-2024, funded by CIHR (UK-Canada Team grant), PIs: Marie-Pierre Dubé and Ewan Pearson
Canada Research Chair in Precision Medicine Data Analysis.
2020-2027, funded by SPIIE, PI: Marie-Pierre Dubé
Study of the effect of sex on drugs dosing, concentrations and pharmacogenomics.
2020-2026, funded by CIHR, PI: Simon de Denus, co-PIs: Marie-Pierre Dubé, Grégoire Leclair
Determining the etiologies of age-related clonal hematopoiesis (ARCH), a new biomarker of cancer and cardiovascular disease development: focus on the roles of inflammation and genetic predisposition.
2019-2024, funded by CIHR, PI: Lambert Busque, co-PIs: Jean-Claude Tardif, Marie-Pierre Dubé
Recherche en médecine de précision portant sur le diabète et les maladies cardiovasculaires.
2019-2024, funded by CFI (John R. Evans Leaders Fund), PI: Marie-Pierre Dubé


COLCOT-T2D: Colchicine for Primary Prevention of Cardiovascular Events in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes.
2020-2027, funded by CIHR, PI: Jean-Claude Tardif
Complex genetics of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy: Towards an integration of polygenic risk in clinical care.
2020-2026, funded by CIHR, PI: Rafik Tadros
Comparing the effects of cognitive training and physical exercise on cognition, cerebral autoregulation and cerebral vasoreactivity in men and women with heart failures.
2019-2024, funded by CIHR, PI: Louis Bherer

Past projects (non-exhaustive)

Mendelian randomization study of CETP and ADCY9 in cardiovascular disease
2019-2020, funded by CIHR, PI: Marie-Pierre Dubé.
Développement d'un modèle de prédiction pour optimiser l'usage des anticoagulants oraux (DOACs) en pratique clinique
2017-2021, funded by FRQS, PI: Sylvie Perreault, co-investigator: Marie-Pierre Dubé.
Effectiveness and safety of Direct Oral AntiCoagulants (DOACs) among older adults with atrial fibrillation
2017-2020, funded by Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada, PI: Sylvie Perreault, co-investigator: Marie-Pierre Dubé.
Inherited chromosomally-integrated human herpesvirus 6 and cardiovascular diseases
2016-2020, funded by Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada, PI: Louis Flamand, co-investigator: Marie-Pierre Dubé.
Projet ARCHI pour la mise en place d'une plateforme nationale d'accès et d'échanges responsables des données génomiques et clinico-administratives à des fins d'études et de recherches
2018-2020, funded by Ministry of Economy, Science and Innovation, PI: Jean-Claude Tardif, co-investigator: Marie-Pierre Dubé.
International Leadership in Precision Medicine Clinical Studies
2018-2022, funded by the Ministère de l'Économie et de l'Innovation and the Fonds d'accélération des collaborations en santé (FACS), PI: Jean-Claude Tardif, co-investigator: Marie-Pierre Dubé.
Curbing Atherosclerosis Through Precision Medicine
2018-2022, funded by the Ministère de l'Économie et de l'Innovation and the Fonds d'accélération des collaborations en santé (FACS), PI: Jean-Claude Tardif, co-investigator: Marie-Pierre Dubé.
Subvention FICM
2015-2018, funded by Montreal Heart Institute Foundation, PI: Marie-Pierre Dubé.
Colchicine Cardiovascular Outcomes Trial
2017-2018, funded by CIHR, PI: Jean-Claude Tardif, co-investigator: Marie-Pierre Dubé.
Programme ARTERIA: Personnalisation des diagnostics et thérapies cardiovasculaires
2014-2018, funded by Ministry of Finance, PI: Jean-Claude Tardif, co-investigator: Marie-Pierre Dubé.
Pharmacogenomic testing of atorvastatin efficacy and toxicity in secondary prevention of cardiovascular diseases
2013-2018, funded by CIHR, PI: Jean-Claude Tardif, co-investigator: Marie-Pierre Dubé.
Colchicine Cardiovascular Outcomes Trialn
2016-2017, funded by CIHR, PI: Jean-Claude Tardif, co-investigator: Marie-Pierre Dubé.
Études pharmacogénomiques vers une thérapie personnalisée en cardiologie
2015-2017, funded by FRQS, PI: Marie-Pierre Dubé.
Personalized medicine strategies for molecular diagnostics and targeted therapeutics of cardiovascular diseases
2013-2017, funded by Genome Canada, PI: Marie-Pierre Dubé
Genomic study of bleeding risk with warfarin
2013-2017, funded by CIHR, PI: Marie-Pierre Dubé