The bed utility to generate UCSC bed files


If called as a script, this script will take either a ‘base_dir’, the path representing a directory with the calls for every family as described in the README, or a pickle (serialized version of the family information). Either twins or parents can also be provided, depending on which bed files the user wants to generate.

bed.write_beds(cnvs, output_dir, family_id, twins, algo)[source]

Writes the bed files for a list of CNVs.

  • cnvs (dict) – A family CNV structure.
  • output_dir (str) – Output directory for the bed files.
  • family_id (str) – The family id for track identification (e.g. 1443).
  • twins (bool) – Boolean indicating if we want to generate the beds for the twins or for the parents.
  • algo (str) – The algorithm used to generate the CNV calls (for track identification).

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